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Ever Wonder What Your Prostate Does and Why It’s Useful?

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Your prostate is often forgotten because it generally doesn’t grab your attention until you’re in your late 40’s. It’s much more prevalent when you’re much older. We want you to know more about your prostate and its useful functions so you can give it more attention and care.

Prostate’s Amazing Functions

Your prostate is always working in the backend even when you don’t know that it’s there. It will amaze you to know how useful its functions are once you read this list. Your prostate definitely has the most thankless job of all award.

  • Did you know that it’s a gland? It produces and secretes some of the alkaline seminal fluids during ejaculation. This fluid makes up about 30% of your semen during ejaculate.
  • It plays a big role in fertility. It is the Vitamix that mixes its fluids with those from the seminal vesicles to transport the sperm made in the testicles.
  • It is also a pump. But pump what? It is also a muscle that pumps the semen out through the penis with enough force to enter into the vagina to help the sperm succeed in reaching the cervix and ensuring procreation of the species.
  • It helps with sexual satisfaction. Now, this is helpful to know. Guys are basically pumping their prostate for the good feeling they get during sexual activities.
  • Male G-spot? Believe it or not, the prostate is a man’s version of the G-spot. Prostate stimulation can produce an exceptionally strong sexual response and intense orgasm in men that are receptive to this sexual technique.
  • Filters and removes toxins to protect the sperm, which enhances the chance of impregnation and ensures that men seed with the optimum quality of sperm.
  • Helps with erections. It has nerves that trigger the penis to swell and harden with extra blood flow into it, producing an erection.
  • Can help reduce urinary infections.
  • And helps produce testosterone. The gland contains a crucial enzyme, 5-alpha-reductase that converts the hormone testosterone in the body to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is at least ten times more powerful than simple testosterone.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer representatives. They will tell you more about your prostate and what does it do that’s so important.

Follow us on our Facebook page so that you can continue to get more information and updates about prostate problems and ProstaGenix pills.

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