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What Is The Normal PSA Level For Men’s Prostate?

Normal PSA Level For Men's Prostate ProstaGenix

The PSA level may even vary within the same man. There is no specific normal PSA level or abnormal level in the blood. Doctors will consider a PSA level of 4.0 ng/mL and below are normal. If you’re still worried, please be safe and consult your own doctor to determine your normal level. However, if your PSA level is above 4.0 ng/mL, doctors would most likely recommend a prostate biopsy to determine all prostate problems. Since there are other factors that will cause your PSA levels to fluctuate, the rule of thumb is to check with your doctor. You can get your condition verified specifically.

Maintain Normal PSA Level

As a general rule, what men want to avoid is having an unnecessary biopsy or other invasive procedure based on a false positive PSA result. The best way to avoid this is to maintain good prostate and overall health based on the following guidelines:

  • Include pomegranate in your diet
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, and nuts
  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Take aspirin
  • Eat more tomatoes
  • Reduce or avoid foods that harm the prostate (read post)
  • Reduce animal protein intake
  • Try Quercetin and pollen
  • Our Suggested Prostate Diet (read post)

*if you are looking for supplement pills for your prostate problems, we recommend trying our all natural ingredients ProstaGenix pills.

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