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Our Suggested Prostate Diet That Helps Lower PSA Level

Suggested Prostate Diet for ProstaGenix Banner

Any diet is going to be helpful for you. We thought it would be helpful to pull together a suggested prostate diet list for you to easily follow. The more you know, the more you can prepare yourself. There is no point in suffering through a diet. You can make it taste delicious as well. Let us get you started with our suggested list below.

Our Suggested Prostate Diet

Men who want to help keep PSA levels low, support overall prostate health, and fight inflammation are encouraged to follow this list. There are at least 10 foundations that should reward you with a healthy prostate and overall health as well.

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, organic whenever possible
  • Consume healthy fats—monounsaturated, omega-3 fatty acids
  • Choose plant protein over animal protein
  • Drink green tea often
  • Choose whole, natural foods over refined, processed foods
  • Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., cold water fatty fish, walnuts, algae)
  • Avoid or significantly limit certain foods and supplements (see “Reduce or avoid foods that harm the prostate”)
  • Choose prostate foods and supplements such as tomatoes, green tea, and vitamin D
  • Stay well hydrated with pure water
  • Consider taking natural supplements that support prostate health

*if you have more questions whether you have a normal PSA level, check out our blog article: What Is The Normal PSA Level For Men’s Prostate?

*Here is a list of prostate harmful food to avoid if you want to maintain a healthy prostate: Reduce or Avoid Foods That Are Harm To The Prostate

*if you are looking for supplement pills for your prostate problems, we recommend trying our all natural ingredients ProstaGenix pills

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